Working with Entities, Deities, and Non-Physical Beings (Part 3: Offerings and Expansion)
This post is compiled from a newsletter series I published in July 2024. The information below is rooted in my personal practice and experience. Please ensure that you take what resonates for you and leave the rest.
Now that you have an established connection with an entity, deity, or non-physical being it’s time to deepen the connection with offerings and expand your relationship.
Our Ancestors Set the Stage
Over the weekend I received some new information (through a download of sorts) about the shifting purpose of working with entities across time that I'd like to begin with. Remember to always take what resonates and leave the rest, our realities don't have to be a complete match to discover some takeaways.
The entity-human relationship has always gone both ways, mutually benefitting humans while achieving the goals of entities. I believe the overarching goal of both has been to expand and advance human consciousness into the resonance of love.
As humans, we are consistently trying to make the world a better place. Yes, shit feels heavy sometimes (especially over the last several years) but overall we have moved towards a greater sense of conscious love across the grand sense of linear time. We are able to have global conversations today about human rights, protecting the environment, ethical and moral complexities, and more that we wouldn't have even had the capacity for in the past!
Thousands of years ago it was a very real threat for entire communities to have enough food on the table while most of us today have access to a grocery store. Yes, there is still much room for improvement, injustices still occur, and food insecurity is still a big issue but overall we have made a lot of progress as a world to supporting more of our global population on a physical level.
I believe that the religious, cultural, and spiritual relationships our ancestors established with entities and deities in the past have assisted the majority of the globe in accessing their basic necessities—supporting our physical survival. The support of our physical survival has opened up our capacity for psychological, emotional, and spiritual advancement. If we were still in our hunter-gather phase we'd be spending the bulk of our time searching for food, water and shelter instead of having the philosophical and technological discussions we do today that are advancing our collective consciousness.
Change. Takes. Time.
A lot of time.
Human-entity relationships of the past were largely offering-based. Humans would make an offering to an entity or deity in return for their help and, as we previously established, offerings help entities solidify their presence and anchor in this reality. They're a foothold that allows them to assist us in even greater capacity.
I believe that the human-entity relationships of the past essentially set the stage for us to explore the advancement of our collective consciousness today. As humanity's physical survival became more easeful, so too have entities been able to better interact and assist the earth.
The development of human-entity relationships have directly advanced the consciousness exploration of our race while our offerings have provided entities with the connection they needed to this planet.
Offerings, gifts and exchanges of energy, have strengthened the pathways that connect us to the rest of the universe.
Offerings of the Past
Again, offerings have always been a two-way street.
In the past, humans would offer food, drink, feasts or social gatherings and the energy of those festivities, animals, money, and, in a few cultures, even other humans (yes, that's dark but a true part of history).
In exchange, entities would provide us with (another form of offering) plentiful crops, favorable outcomes, important information, tools and technology, and restoration of health.
Humans possess access to the physical world and entities possess access to the energetic world. These two layers have been mixing for a very long time, growing stronger with every exchange.
Offerings of Today
The landscape of today's human-entity relationships has shifted across the globe. While some cultures still participate in community gatherings to provide offerings and connect with entities, much of the world has moved towards more of an individual connection with their entity/deity relationships and, subsequently, the types of offerings have changed.
An offering is, at it's base, an exchange of energy within your capacity or means to give with the intention of the offering being the most important part.
There are many different types of offerings out there. I'd suggest sitting with the entity or deity you work with in meditation to ask them for ideas of offerings before googling anything (though a search can be helpful) or just trusting your gut and trying something out.
In my personal practice I offer things like:
A glass of wine
Bread or part of a meal
Prayer (the energy of spoken word)
Poems or written creations (I burn the paper they were written on)
Candles (the energy from the flame)
One of my favorite offerings is burning a knotted up length of hemp twine. The practice of tying knots to seal intention and magick was prevalent in ancient Egypt and I use this in some of my offerings to Sekhmet. I'll sit outside with a length of twine and offer my thoughts and time to her, knotting the twine with every thought or intention. Once it's knotted up, I'll burn the twine as an offering to her. (It's quite therapeutic.)
The bottom line is that offerings can come in all shapes and sizes and are an exchange of energy that strengthen human-entity relationships.
Through this three-part series we’ve talked about the foundations of understanding when working with entities, how to connect and start a relationship, and how to strengthen that relationship which takes us to the path of longevity.
In my personal practice, entities come and go. Some entities, like Sekhmet, have continued to work with me since I first initiated our meeting. Some, have only come into my life for a short amount of time until their purposes have been fulfilled and our goals have been met. And still my relationships with others have morphed and changed over time from our original point of connection.
Each relationship between yourself and an entity is its own beautiful symphony, flowing through the river of Source.
As you continue to explore, create, and change in this experience call life I encourage you to see the reflection of yourself in the entities that work with you. They are divine guides who can help us grow in the areas where we need to progress and strive to assist us in holding the intentions we set before we came here.
It is this purpose, to hold and embody our original intentions, that calls us forward. This lifetime isn't necessarily about transcending beyond the human experience but about finding the spark of our true selves within it.
Take some time to make an offering—an exchange of energy—with your entity of choice. Find something easily within your means and carve out some time to connect with them. Remember to check in with yourself often to ensure that your relationship is respectful and healthy. Continue expanding your practice and enjoy the amazing and fulfilling relationships that begin to unfold!