Working with Entities, Deities, and Non-Physical Beings (Part 2: Building Your Practice)

This post is compiled from a newsletter series I published in July 2024. The information below is rooted in my personal practice and experience. Please ensure that you take what resonates for you and leave the rest.

In this post we’ll explore how to initially connect with your entity and begin building your practice. Note that while I mostly reference deities, this can be applied to angels, guides, ascended masters, ETs and any other being that isn't present in a human body at this point in linear time.


In the ye olde days it was typical for entire communities to come together to worship and make offerings to deities or entities, all for the purpose of gaining their favor or assistance in some way. It has always been a two-way street. Land workers worshipped and made offerings to ask for bountiful crops, healers and people of medicine asked for assistance with their patients, and even kings asked entities for their assistance for personal or societal needs.

The word "worship" no longer contains the same meaning today and offerings can take on a completely different context but the purpose remains the same: our relationships with entities exist for mutually beneficial purposes.

In my personal practice, I believe that most entities want to help this planet and her people evolve and learn. They have good intentions but they are not here in this physical existence like we are. We're the "grunts on the ground" so to speak and we have a direct, first person perspective and relationship with everyone we meet. When your choose to work with an entity the relationship not only allows you to receive their assistance but they also are given the opportunity to further their own work through you.

When I offer readings at fairs or other events I ask Sekhmet, the lion-headed Egyptian goddess, to work with me. This is mutually beneficial as she amplifies my interpretations and readings, allowing me to connect with people on a much deeper level than I might have achieved on my own but she also benefits by having an open channel to touch the lives of not only my clients but anyone in my vicinity that day. Through me, she is able to fulfill her own desires and purpose as a servant of Ma'at (mah-yet) to help the beings of Earth move towards internal balance. We help each other.

The old word "worship" has become "works with" and the concept of offerings has changed as our needs have changed. I worship Sekhmet by working with her in divine partnership. I make offerings to Sekhmet as a way of giving her strength on this plane of existence or fuel for her fire, so to speak.

It is this understanding of mutual purpose that leads me to begin connecting with an entity through conversation, meditation, dreams, and more.

The following information will look at two different angles: the entity requesting to work with you and you requesting to work with the entity.


To me, conversation isn't limited to verbal communication. Conversation can be observed through signs, synchronicities, channeling, automatic writing, and even random thoughts or downloads.

If the entity you want to connect with has reached out to you, signs and synchronicities may indicate that a conversation is already present and you have an opportunity to answer it. You can answer the conversation by acknowledging it. Honestly, the easiest way to do so is to speak it verbally and out loud. When we speak we create sound, a physical and energetic vibration. That vibration is felt across planes of existence, not just heard in this physical one on Earth. When Sekhmet sends me a sign or a download I literally say thank you!

If you are reaching out to an entity or choosing to strike up the conversation first you might try automatic writing, placing an item on your altar that honors the entity, offering something that might help them (we'll talk more about offerings next week), or any other ideas that come to you. Sometimes I even ask, "what would be beneficial for you?" or "what would you like to receive?" Listen with your heart for an answer!


I LOVE connecting with entities through meditation. Meditation has many different purposes and there are many different styles but my preferred method is through visualization.

You have an imagination for a reason - use it! Your imagination is a muscle and, to me, imagination IS the offering in these conversations. It's the road where entities can meet you half way. Trust yourself and let go of your need to be right. Don't second guess yourself or think you're "just making it up" - because of course you're making it up! But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that the conversation isn't taking place. You're part of the conversation.

Over the years I've honed my own process for conversation meditations and perhaps this can give you a few ideas.

I start small by visualizing a ball of energy in my sacral center (the space of creation). I partner my breathing with the movement of the ball and move it throughout my chakra system with my breath.

Breathe in to charge and make the ball bigger; breathe out to move the ball.

Breathe in to charge the ball in your sacral. Breath out to move it down and out through your root. Breathe in to bring it back up.

Breathe out to push the ball out the back of your sacral. Breathe in to recenter in your sacral. Breathe out to push the ball out the front of your sacral. Breathe in to recenter in the your sacral.

Breathe out to push the ball up to your solar plexus. Breathe in to charge and center in your solar plexus.

Breathe out to push the ball out the back of your solar. Breathe in to recenter in your solar. Breathe out to push the ball out the front of your solar. Breathe in to recenter in your solar.

Breathe out to push the ball up to your heart chakra.

So on and so forth.

Once I've gone through my whole system with this visualization I take a trip to my sacred spot. My sacred spot is an energetic location that I have created with my imagination. It's mostly natural with a tree and a pond and wildlife and it's a place I visit often within myself. You might already have a sacred spot! I spend time here visualizing and exercising my imagination, preparing to enter a visualized conversation with the entity I'm seeking out today.

Then I launch myself on the road to meet them.

For me, I like to imagine myself as an eagle or other bird and fly up into the sky and further into the atmosphere.

By now, it's getting easier to just take what comes into my imagination and soon enough the entity will meet me halfway, contributing their own imagery to my visualized experience.

Give it a try, it won't hurt. Let yourself go and just see what you come up with.


If I love meditations then I'm head over heels in love with dreams!

Dreams are a state of consciousness we enter while resting and recharging our physical bodies. They're part physical, waking life and part energetic/soul life. The layer that we have here in the waking world isn't quite as thick or placed in the dream space, making them a prime source of connection with entities.

However, dreams prioritize what is in your highest good (yes, even nightmares, an exploration of what you fear), and are harder to "control" or get what you think you want.

One way around this is to make a request for a powerful dream or communication from an entity multiple nights in a row. Your intention is a powerful thing and the more you ask the more likely you are to receive but it can take some time.

Recent studies of dreams (which are still in their infancy) have suggested that there's a dream lag effect which is a delayed dream response. If you experience something in waking life that's new and impactful you'll most likely recall dreaming about it the next morning but sometimes it can take 3 to even 18 days to dream about something from your waking life.

If you're looking for an impactful dream, create a ritual before bed that speaks to you and make your request known both verbally and with your intention for a couple of weeks. Time is different outside of our linear experience so don't give up, entities just don't experience it in the priority that we do.


Try one of these avenues out before moving onto the next post. Respond to or start up a conversation with an entity you'd like to connect with by observing signs and synchronicities, try your hand at automatic writing, dive into a meditation and see where your imagination takes you, or make a request for a dream!


Working with Entities, Deities, and Non-Physical Beings (Part 3: Offerings and Expansion)


Working with Entities, Deities, and Non-Physical Beings (Part 1: Foundational Principles)