The Wink From Source (A Poem)

Heat blasted from the dashboard into our car
Battling against the wintry chill as I gazed
Out through the windshield at a brilliant star.

Searching for a navigational anchor
My memory dredged through old knowledge, unfazed,
Evoking the constellation Ursa Major.

But ancient gravity called me back from afar
As that luminous sun was violently razed
A divinely arranged Nebuchadnezzar.

Bursting radiance — a momentary mar —
Across the great cosmic expanse as She blazed
Her moment to shine in the stellar memoir.

And then she was gone, nothing more than a scar
Fading quickly into the blackness, upraised
As a wink from Source, the soul’s father, Adar.

‘Til a dreadful thought blossomed, all-consuming quasar:
That the nod from the universe I’d just appraised
Was in fact a mass exodus on some distant earthstar,
When trillions of voices were struck from our galactic grimoire.


On Nightmares and Their Healing Wisdom


I’m Finally Meditating My Own Way