Timelines: Shifting, Collapsing, and Converging

I recently experienced a convergence of two societal timelines in parallel and it was such a wild experience that it changed my thought processes on timelines as a whole.

In this article we’ll explore what timelines are, what it means when we move between them, and how you can become more consciously aware of the timelines around you.

Please Note: This article is based on my personal experiences and perspective of the world. Always remember to take what resonates and leave the rest. You are your own unique expression of the universe and finding what resonates for you is crucial for your personal expansion.

Let’s dive in…

Shifting and Collapsing Timelines

In Ep. 2 of The Axis Channel podcast I detail a very, very strange experience I had at the end of February where I believe I encountered a convergence of two societal timelines paralleling each other.

I was reading at a local fair I had never heard of before and felt a lot of apprehension leading up to the weekend. It was as if my body were picking up on what we were about to walk into.

My purpose for being there became clear by the end of the weekend: I was there to expose individuals to another timeline option and present them with a choice. By just existing at this event I brought my own timeline into the wormhole and everyone who talked to me got to interact with the timeline I represented. Through this interaction they could then determine if they wanted to make a shift into my societal timeline or if they wanted to stay in the timeline they were already in. There was no right or wrong answer, but it was an opportunity for individual decisions to be made.

In March I saw many of those individuals in passing at other events! They had chosen, at the very least, to explore this timeline and see what it had to offer. Several of them actually told me about other things shifting in their lives as well over the two weeks since we last met!

So let’s talk about what that might actually mean, why we might come into contact with other timelines, and how you can consciously choose your own path forward.

What are Timelines?

First, what is a timeline? I believe that a timeline represents one possibility for a life experience.

There are two ways of observing timelines: a personal timeline and a societal timeline. A personal timeline is a possibility completely specific to you while a societal timeline is a possibility that large groups of people live within.

For example, my current personal timeline is one in which I’m a blogger writing this article. My personal timeline doesn’t really affect the grand scheme of things - just my life and the relationships with the people around me.

The societal timeline I currently experience is one in which I’m a citizen of the USA. However, it’s possible that in another societal timeline the USA doesn’t exist. In that societal timeline timeline I might find myself living in the same house, doing the same work, and married to the same person (living in the same personal timeline I’ve chosen), but the societal timeline could be a different government structure or entity.

Ok let’s take a second to digest that. Here’s an image of a cat deciding what they’re going to do with this information…

I believe that all possibilities (timelines) exist at the same time BUT we only consciously exist in one personal timeline and one societal timeline at any given moment. Your personal timeline is a choice that you have made as an individual to experience one possibility. Your societal timeline is either where your personal timeline fits best or where your soul is needed most.

Your timelines can change as you learn and grow and choose new possibilities or opportunities.

I have lived in many different timelines throughout this life alone, from choosing to enlist in the military at 19 and living in that timeline for 5 years to choosing my spiritual work in my 30s. These are two very different life paths and they required deeply contrasting psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual states to exist within. While this lifetime has been a continuous experience for me, I have made conscious decisions to move out of some timelines (possibilities) and into new ones by choosing to act and embody what I have learned in order to seek new experiences.

A personal timeline could also be defined as the current psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual state that you exist within.

If we are actively learning, growing and seeking new experiences then we’re constantly in a state of flux with our timelines, looking for the best one yet and stepping into the one that resonates more and more with our soul. If we’re stagnant and stuck in our ways or unwilling to change then we’re a bit frozen in our current timeline and our soul’s progression stalls out.

Timelines are the reflections of the choices we make in how we live our lives (note that not making a choice is still choosing something - to be inactive). Most often, our lives get better as we age but sometimes we revert back to old ways of being and can fall back into old timelines. However, as long as you’re willing to learn and grow you’ll progress your timelines overall towards your soul’s ultimate goal.

It’s a good thing to experience different timelines!

Timeline Shifts

A timeline shift occurs when you make an impactful choice to change a part of your being. You quite literally jump into a different timeline.

If that sounds scary don’t worry, it’s more subtle than you may think! You most likely won’t find yourself suddenly living in a different house surrounded by people you don’t know — the shift takes time to implement and is always in your highest good (even if it’s difficult at first).

Here are a couple of examples:

  1. You decide to finally quit your job and start the business that’s been calling you for years! Starting a successful business can take time so for the next 5 years you could be in this timeline shift. You find yourself moving out of the timeline where you worked for a corporation and into the timeline where you work for yourself.

  2. You make the decision to begin psychological therapy. You move out of the timeline where you pushed down or ignored your pain and move into the timeline where you heal yourself.

  3. You physically move into a new house. You move out of the timeline where you lived in the old location and into a timeline with the new house.

In all of these examples, however, it’s not just you that is shifting. The choices that you make always affect the world and the people around you and the effects of timelines shifts can be seen in what is leaving your life as you open yourself to receiving the new timeline.

Let’s use the second example above with psychological therapy. As you choose to heal yourself you might find some detrimental relationships leaving your timeline. This might look like less communication with difficult family members or some friendships falling away.

This is normal and ok! The people who are ready to shift with you and continue to grow within their own lives may choose to follow you into this new timeline whereas others who are stuck or choosing a different path will fade out of your timeline and into one of their own.

The ebb and flow of our personal timeline shifts, directly resulting from the choices we make, affect those around us and vice versa. Timelines are constantly shifting around you if you’re learning and growing!

Timeline Collapses

While “collapse” usually has a negative connotation, I feel like it’s actually incredibly beneficial in the context of timelines!

You’ll usually find a timeline collapse occurring when you’re on a roll in life and stepping into the flow of the universe. When things just start happening for your benefit and the synchronicities are flying off the handle it’s a sign that you’re aligning yourself with the timelines that launch your soul forward towards your ultimate goal.

Because you have found your soul’s path forward, multiple timelines (possibilities) might collapse and layer into your current timeline. This means that you can live multiple possibilities at once (most people have already experienced this at least in some capacity).

Here’s an example: in 2021 I made the decision to leave my corporate job and step into my spiritual work full time. The decision to shift into the timeline where I work for myself and help others shifted me onto the path of my soul’s ultimate goal and purpose: to feel fulfilled by helping others and the planet.

Because I chose to shift onto one of my highest timelines (a personal timeline where my soul could meet its goal), the other possibilities associated with my soul’s ultimate goal began to collapse into this timeline, merging with it and expanding it.

In 2021 I only identified as a dream and nightmare interpreter and my work was limited to that capacity. Over the last 3 years I haven’t remained just a dream interpreter, I’ve become an oracle, a galactic historian, a writer (hopefully an author in the future!), a homeowner with a yard, a dog mom, a wife in a magickal marriage, and much more!

All of these good and very amazing things have started layering into the timeline where I chose to work for myself and for the highest good of the universe. These other possibilities are stepping in because they all support and align with my soul’s ultimate goal: to feel fulfilled by helping others and the planet.

Daruk, my hambone of a pittie.

However, just as these higher timelines (supportive experiences for my soul) are collapsing into my current timeline (the one where I chose to work for myself and help others), so too are detrimental timelines collapsing out of it and disappearing forever.

The experiences that would detract from my highest timelines are collapsing into nothingness and are no longer possibilities or options for me to experience. This is because knowing what I know now, I could never go back to some of those old ways of being, therefore, it is unnecessary for them to exist as potential timelines.

An example would be the timeline wherein I experienced suicidal thoughts (this was a real experience I had back in 2017). Today, I have changed so much and so drastically since 2017, choosing healing timelines over and over again that, at this point, those detrimental frames of thought are no longer possibilities for me.

I believe the purpose of our soul’s journey is to find and travel upon the individual soul’s highest timeline, rendering all others unnecessary and divulging the energy required to hold a myriad of your personal timelines (possibilities) back to the energy of Source.

Buddha is a great example of someone living in their highest timeline. As he reached enlightenment, the purity of his existence has echoed across time as an inspiration to others. Note, however, that his societal timeline was not pure enlightenment. He witnessed much suffering in the world around him but he was needed most in this societal timeline.

Food for thought…

Timeline Convergences

A convergence of timelines exists when two timelines mingle together for a limited period.

Most often I believe this happens with societal timelines (overarching societal experiences for large groups of people).

In the context of Ep. 2 of The Axis Channel (mentioned at the beginning of this article), I currently live in the societal timeline where there’s a thriving spiritual community in the Twin Cities with many fairs and events occurring frequently. However, many of the individuals at the February event were living in a timeline where the spiritual community in the Twin Cities barely existed and there was only one type of spiritual event occurring in their timeline.

We had a totally different societal experience!

The overarching purpose of the timeline convergence at the February event was to expose everyone to their opposite societal timeline.

There were many purposes for this. Some people were at the point in their lives where they were choosing how they wanted to go out into the world. Others were looking for community and wanted to jump into a societal timeline where that was possible. For myself, I learned that other societal timelines actually exist and that it’s possible to come into contact with them (and I definitely want to stay in my current societal timeline)!

A timeline convergence is most likely constructed by energies outside of the human experience, something greater than ourselves and our individual decisions. It can be a sudden opportunity to make a timeline shift if you’re consciously aware of what you want in life and what resonates with you the most.

The Point of Timeline Awareness

Ok that’s a lot of information and theory but what’s the point of knowing all this?

To live your life with more conscious awareness.

By now, you hopefully understand that anything is possible because all possibilities already exist. It’s up to you to move along the path towards your highest timeline — your soul’s ultimate goal.

The road is rarely easy but always worth it.

In this human experience, we need contrast to know what feels good and what doesn’t. We need to understand what balance actually means in order to live a balanced, complete life.

We see difficulty, hardship, and suffering all around us in the world today. What you see on the news and social media that’s outside your immediate sphere is the societal timeline where you’re needed the most. While your individual impact to better the societal timeline may feel small, it’s impact is much great than you think. And when you choose to seek out your highest timeline, you collapse your own possibilities of suffering out of the equation.

Only you can do your own work but in choosing to do so, you can shine a light on the collective possibility we all find ourselves in.

Continue to live your life with greater awareness and step into your personal timeline flow. YOU are the answer!

- Meg 🐝


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