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I’m so glad you’re here!

Seriously, I am.

If you’re here, that means you’re an explorer of the universe and, therefore, a life-long learner. Everyone who is open to learning is open to change and change is what is the world needs most at this time.

Change can be easy and change be difficult but the key to all change is YOU.

It always starts on an individual level and ripples out to touch the lives of everyone around us.

My soul’s purpose to is bring information from across the universe into this physical reality here on Earth and share it with everyone that I meet.

The purpose of this information is not to convince you of one thing or another, it’s to get you thinking about how it resonates for you.

In every email you receive from me I want you ask yourself what does and does not resonate. I want you to explore why these pieces of information do or do not resonate. I want you learn a little bit more about yourself.


Because we are all unique expressions of the universe and the more you embody your own unique expression, the more the universe is fulfilled.

Regardless of what does or does not resonate for you, I’m doing my job: encouraging you to uncover your truth.

I am a catalyst.

So what can you expect?

Every week you’ll receive my weekly newsletter directly to your inbox where we’ll explore experiences, insights, and tips from across the Axis Mundi, all designed to aid you along your self-knowledge journey.

But, real quick, what exactly is the Axis Mundi?

It’s the concept of the World Tree!

Appearing in many cultures and belief-systems throughout the globe, the Axis Mundi is the link between all realms, realities, and planes of existence.

The lower world (roots) connect us to the realms of our ancestors. The mid world (trunk) is our current, waking-life existence here on Earth. The upper world (canopy) holds the vast expanses of cosmic energies and layers of reality in our universe, connecting us with deities, angels, galactic beings and everything in between!

I hope you enjoy learning about this universe along with me and, again, I’m so glad you’re here. 🤍

Talk to you soon!

Meg 🐝